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second announcement

August 1st 2000

There will be a two-day Meeting on Function Theory and Function Spaces at the University of Nottingham on September 18th and 19th, 2000. The first day will be part of the `traditional' series of One-Day Function Theory Meetings, and the second day will be devoted to Function Spaces.

Monday 18th September 2000, 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.: a day devoted to function theory. There will be coffee at 10.30 followed by about five talks and a problems forum, with breaks for lunch and tea.

Tuesday 19th September 2000, 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.: a day devoted to function spaces and Banach algebras, structured as for the Monday session.

All talks (as well as coffee/tea breaks) will be in the Maths/Physics Building, University Park campus (see enclosed campus map, or http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/univ/access.html).

Funding: there will be no registration fee. We have some funding from the LMS and are able to provide lunch on both days: this will be in the form either of the traditional `subsidy', or a buffet lunch. We can also offer some support for postgraduate students in analysis, registered for study at U.K. universities. For such students, we can provide up to (depending on how many attend) half of their U.K. travel and (if needed) overnight accommodation costs. The LMS anticipates that the balance, and other subsistence costs, should be provided from the students' RTSG or other sources.

Accommodation: if you require accommodation, rooms are available in Sherwood Hall (on the main University of Nottingham campus, about 500 metres from the Maths/Physics Building). Rooms cost 21 pounds plus VAT for bed and breakfast. Let us know which nights you require, and we will make a provisional reservation for you. It will then be necessary for you to confirm the reservation yourself, by phone to 0115 951 5367, or by mail to

Hall Manager, Sherwood Hall, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD.

For anyone preferring hotel accommodation, you might try:

Hylands Hotel, 307 Queens Road, Beeston, Nottingham, 0115 925 5472 (about 30 pounds for B and B);

Priory Toby Hotel, Derby Road, Wollaton Vale, Nottingham, 0115 922 1691 (about 50 pounds).

We regret that we cannot make hotel bookings for you.

We hope that you will be able to attend the meeting. The provisional programme for both days is now available but, if you would like to give a talk, it is still not too late to arrange this (some speakers may be prepared to step aside, or talks could be shortened).

This will be the last announcement sent by mail. Any changes to the programme will be made on the Web page


with copies available at the meeting.

With best wishes,

Jim Langley James.Langley@nottingham.ac.uk
Joel Feinstein Joel.Feinstein@nottingham.ac.uk

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