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Function theory and function spaces: introductory announcement

We will be organizing the annual function theory meeting at the University of Nottingham in September 2000. This will be part of the "traditional" series of one-day meetings but we hope to expand things this year as follows:

Monday 18th September 2000, 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. : a day devoted to function theory. This will follow the traditional format of these one-day meetings i.e. coffee at 10.30 followed by about seven talks, with breaks for lunch and tea.

Tuesday 19th September 2000, 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. : a day devoted to function spaces and Banach algebras, structured as for the Monday session.

There will be no registration fee. We are applying to the L.M.S. for funding and we hope to be able to offer the usual subsidy for lunch on each day, plus additional support for postgraduate students in analysis.

We anticipate that some people will want to attend on the Monday only, others on the Tuesday only, and that some will attend on both days. For those wishing to stay overnight on the Sunday or Monday, we will supply later a contact list for local hotels and bed and breakfast, and may be able to assist with the booking of rooms in halls of residence.

We hope that you will be able to attend the meeting and, if you are at all interested, we ask that you contact us by email, or return the enclosed form, by 1st June, 2000. We would also be most grateful for names to add to the enclosed circulation list.

Please indicate by email or on the form whether you would like to give a talk: if you have suggestions for overseas visitors who might speak, please let us know as soon as possible.

With best wishes,



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