Quick tutorial for analysing your own data -------------------------------------------------------- [0. Download R (http://cran.r-project.org) and install it if you haven't done so already. Install the shapes package.] 1. Start R on your machine 2. load in the shapes library by typing: library(shapes) 3. Read in your data. This is often the hardest part! For 2D points the co-ordinates should be in a file in the form: x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ... xk yk with object 1 followed by object 2 followed by object 3 .... etc. See: http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/~ild/bookdata for some examples. The co-ordinates should be white space separated and return characters are ignored. For 3D points the data should be in a file in the form: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 ... xk yk zk for each object. One way to read in the data is to type in: k<-8 #Number of points m<-2 #Number of dimensions new.dat<-read.in("c:/Windows/Desktop/gorf.dat",k,m) #Note the use of / here #Note <- is the same thing as = Any text after a # sign is just a comment and need not be typed again of course! There are some datasets already loaded into the shapes library (e.g. gorf.dat,gorm.dat,qset2.dat,qcet2.dat,qlet2.dat,macm.dat,macf.dat,digit3.dat). 4. Carry out shape analysis - see the manual for examples. e.g. plotshapes(new.dat) #plot the data out.procf<-procGPA(new.dat) #carries out generalised Procrustes analysis of females plotshapes(out.procf$rotated) #plots the Procrustes rotated objects shapepca(out.procf) #plots the first few PCs out.procm<-procGPA(gorm.dat) #carries out generalised Procrustes analysis of males plotshapes(out.procm$rotated) #plots the Procrustes rotated objects shapepca(out.procm) #plots the first few PCs tpsgrid(out.procf$mshape,out.procm$mshape,-0.6,-0.6,1.2) #TPS grid from female mean to male mean riemdist(out.procf$mshape,out.procm$mshape) #the Riemannian shape distance between the #mean shapes 5. For further information on each command, including options type help(procGPA) For example if you want to carry out Procrustes analysis without scaling then type: out.noscale<-procGPA(new.dat,scale=FALSE) 6. Further examples can be seen in the help() commands or in the manual. Also, there is a short demo obtained by typing: demo(shapes) Ian Dryden 18-12-03