I am a Research Fellow in the School of Mathematical Sciences collaborating with Professor Gary Mirams to understand the uncertainty of data from single ion-channels on Myocytes cells (cardiac cells).

I completed my MSc in 2012 and my Ph.D. in 2019 under the supervision of Professor Daniel Coombs in the math biology group, at UBC. My research was a collage of different mathematics and different biological systems, but all connected by the use of fluorescence microscopy. I analyzed cell adhesions and immunologic systems with differential equations, stochastic processes, numerical simulations, and statistics.

During my undergraduate, I first fell in love with probability but was curious about biology. That made me decide on a career as an Applied Mathematician working with biological systems. She got her undergraduate degree in mathematics at the University of Guanajuato (Universidad de Guanajuato) with connection to the Research Center in Mathematics (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, CIMAT) in 2010.

Please see the official University of Nottingham staff page for more information.

Recent events:

Feb 2021- Submitted our collaborative paper: Uncertainty and error in SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological parameters inferred from population-level epidemic models, to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C. Joint first author with DOMINIC WHITTAKER, and co-authors: MAURICE HENDRIX, MARKUS OWEN, LEAH BAND, GARY MIRAMS, KIRSTY BOLTON, SIMON PRESTON

Feb 2021 – Presented our COVID-19 paper at the Joint Mathematical Epidemiology and Math Education SMB Subgroup Meeting held online.


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