How predation can slow, stop or reverse a prey invasion


Markus R. Owen (1,2) & Mark A. Lewis (2)

1: Nonlinear and Complex Systems Group, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK.

2: Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA.


Observations on Mount St.~Helens indicate that the spread of recolonising lupin plants has been slowed due to the presence of insect herbivores and it is possible that the spread of lupins could be reversed in the future by intense insect herbivory~\citep{fagan:1999:TID}. In this paper we investigate mechanisms by which herbivory can contain the spatial spread of recolonizing plants. Our approach is to analyse a series of predator-prey reaction-diffusion models and spatially coupled ordinary differential equation models to derive conditions under which predation pressure can slow, stall or reverse a spatial invasion of prey. We focus on models where prey disperse more slowly than predators. We comment on the types of functional response which give such solutions, and the circumstances under which the models are appropriate.

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