
Understanding Sensory Induced Visual Hallucinations

Explorations of visual hallucinations, and in particular those of Billock and Tsou, show that annular rings with a background flicker can induce visual hallucinations in humans that take the form of radial fan shapes as shown in the figure below. The well-known retino-cortical map tells us that the corresponding patterns of neural activity in the primary visual cortex for rings and arms in the retina are orthogonal stripe patterns. The implication is that cortical forcing by spatially periodic input can excite orthogonal modes of neural activity. We have shown that a simple scalar neural field model of primary visual cortex with state-dependent spatial forcing is capable of modelling this phenomenon. Moreover, we see that this occurs most robustly when the spatial forcing has a 2:1 resonance with modes that would otherwise be excited by a Turing instability. By utilising a weakly nonlinear multiple-scales analysis we have determined the relevant amplitude equations for uncovering the parameter regimes which favour the excitation of patterns orthogonal to sensory drive. In combination with direct numerical simulations we can use this approach to shed further light on the original psychophysical observations of Billock and Tsou.

Relevant publications

R Nicks, A Cocks, D Avitabile, A Johnston and S Coombes 2021 Understanding sensory induced hallucinations: From neural fields to amplitude equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol 20(4), 1683-1714

Coupled Oscillator Networks - Piecewise linear and Phase-Isostable approaches

Phase-reduced models, where oscillator dynamics are reduced to the dynamics of their phase on limit cycle, have been extremely successful in describing dynamical behaviours of networks of coupled oscillators in the case where individual oscillators possess a strongly attracting limit cycle and coupling between oscillators in the network is weak. However, for many biological (and particularly neural) oscillator networks these modelling assumptions are not appropriate and numerical simulations and results from other modelling techniques have revealed dynamics that cannot be captured in a framework where only phases of oscillators are considered.

My research has focused on two alternative approaches to gain analytical insight into network dynamics. One option is to adapt the master stability approach of Pecora and Caroll for piecewise linear (PWL) node dynamics. The master stability function (MSF) is powerful tool for assessing the stability of synchrony in coupled oscillator networks. It has recently been extended to treat more general cluster states in networks with symmetry. However, the MSF and its generalizations require specific information on the periodic orbits of the uncoupled oscillators which is invariably hard to come by in closed form. Therefore the framework is often explored using numerical techniques. We have shown that insight into network dynamics can be obtained by focusing on PWL oscillator models. Periodic orbits can be constructed and their variational analysis can be performed explicitly. However, many of the notions from smooth dynamical systems need to be modified to take into account jumps in the components of Jacobians in these nonsmooth systems. This is achieved with the use of saltation matrices. By augmenting the variational approach for studying smooth dynamical systems with such matrices we show that, for a variety of networks that have been used as models of biological systems, cluster states can be explicitly investigated. For illustration in the paper below, we analyze an integrate-and-fire network model with event-driven synaptic coupling as well as a diffusively coupled network built from planar PWL nodes, including a reduction of the Morris-Lecar neuron model. Here it is possible to carry out bifurcation analysis on the possible cluster states as illustrated below for a simple 5 node network of PWL Morris-Lecar neurons.

An alternative approach to analysing oscillator network dynamics beyond the weak coupling limit is to use the phase-isostable framework which has recently been gathering momentum. Network equations for pairs of coupled oscillators where the dynamics of each node is described by the evolution of its phase and slowest decaying isostable coordinate have previously been shown to capture bifurcations and dynamics of the network which cannot be explained through standard phase reduction. An alternative framework using isostable coordinates to obtain higher-order phase reductions has also demonstrated a similar descriptive ability for two oscillators. My co-authors and I have considered the phase-isostable network equations for an arbitrary but finite number of identical coupled oscillators, obtaining conditions required for stability of phase-locked states including synchrony. For the mean-field complex Ginzburg-Landau equation where the solutions of the full system are known, we compared the accuracy of the phase-isostable network equations and higher-order phase reductions in capturing bifurcations of phase-locked states. We found the former to be the more accurate and therefore employed this to investigate the dynamics of globally linearly coupled networks of Morris-Lecar neuron models (both two and many nodes). We observed qualitative correspondence between results from numerical simulations of the full system and the phase-isostable description demonstrating that in both small and large networks the phase-isostable framework is able to capture dynamics that the first-order phase description cannot.

Relevant publications

R Nicks, R Allen and S Coombes 2023 Insights into oscillator network dynamics using a phase-isostable framework, submitted
S Coombes, M Sayli, R Thul, R Nicks, M A Porter and Y M Lai 2023 Oscillatory networks: Insights from piecewise-linear modelling, SIAM Review, under revision
R Nicks, L Chambon and S Coombes 2018 Clusters in nonsmooth oscillator networks, Physical Review E, Vol 97, 032213
P Ashwin, S Coombes and R Nicks 2016 Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience, Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 6:2

Pattern formation and neural fields on spherical domains

In collaboration with Prof Stephen Coombes and Dr Sid Visser, I have considered the spatiotemporal patterns that arise due to dynamic instability in a neural field model of cortex with axonal delays on a sphere. Symmetric bifurcation theory, together with centre manifold reduction and direct simulations with a bespoke numerical scheme, allowed investigation of the patterned states which can exist in addition to the quasi-periodic behaviour observed in numerical simulations. The movie here shows chaotic neural activity on the sphere (video courtesy of Sid Visser).

SpiralThis work builds on the research I carried out for my PhD where I used equivariant bifurcation theory to consider both the symmetries of the time-periodic patterns which can be created at a Hopf bifurcation with spherical symmetry and the symmetric spiral patterns which can exist on spheres, such as the one in the image on the left. Equivariant bifurcation theory uses Lie group theory to study the model–independent behaviours of symmetric dynamical systems (those which depend on the symmetries alone) without any reference to the details of a particular model.

Relevant publications

S Visser, R Nicks, O Faugeras and S Coombes, 2017 Standing and travelling waves in a spherical brain model: the Nunez model revisited, Physica D, Vol 349, 27–45
R Sigrist and P Matthews 2011 Symmetric spiral patterns on a sphere, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol 10, 1177-1211
R Sigrist 2010 Hopf bifurcation with spherical symmetry, Nonlinearity, Vol 23, 3199-3225

Modelling solid crystals with defects

During my time as a research fellow at the University of Nottingham, I worked with Gareth Parry on the EPSRC funded project "Modelling continuous and discrete defective crystals". The discrete structures associated with defective crystals can be described by a set of lattice vectors and a dislocation density tensor, S, which describes the local "texture" of the crystal. When S is constant the theory of Lie groups can be used to describe the symmetries of the discrete structure. My research focused on the discrete structures and their symmetries for certain forms of the dislocation density tensor where the associated Lie group is nilpotent or solvable.

Relevant publications

R Nicks 2014 A classification of the symmetries of uniform discrete defective crystals, Journal of Elasticity, Vol 117, 189-211
R Nicks and G P Parry 2014 Group elastic symmetries common to continuum and discrete defective crystals, Journal of Elasticity, Vol 115, 131-156
R Nicks and G P Parry 2013 Geometrical issues in the continuum mechanics of defective solid crystals, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol 14, 199-213
R Nicks and G P Parry 2012 On symmetries of crystals with defects related to a class of solvable groups (S2), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol 35, 1741-1755
R Nicks and G P Parry 2012 On symmetries of crystals with defects related to a class of solvable groups (S1), Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Vol 17, 631-651
G P Parry and R Sigrist 2012 Reconciliation of local and global symmetries for a class of crystals with defects, Journal of Elasticity, Vol 107, 81-104